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    1.       Preface

    The Kyoto Protocol, an international and legally binding agreement to reduce worldwide greenhouse gases emissions has entered into force since 16 February 2005.

    Eleventh session of the Conference to the Climate Change Convention and first meeting of the Parties dedicated to the Kyoto Protocol was hold from 28 November to 9 December 2005 at MONTREAL (CP), The U.S. Past president, Mr. Bill Clinton suggested that climate change could be painlessly curbed through voluntary efforts and new technology.[1]

    Mr. Clinton also indicated that "I think it's crazy for us to play games with our children's future," and "In 40 years we'll have a meeting like this on a raft somewhere . . . unless we do something." Mr. Clinton pointed out that alternative energy sources such as solar energy and wind power could fully replace fossil fuels, despite claims to the contrary. A shift to new low-emissions technologies would enhance rather than harm the economy, he even added it on.

    "We know from every passing year, we get more and more objective data that if we had a serious disciplined effort to apply on large scale existing clean energy and energy-conservation technologies we could meet and surpass the Kyoto targets easily in a way that would help strengthen, not weaken our economy."[2]

    Recently, the author of "A Road Map for Natural Capitalism”[3], Mr. Amory Lovins made a speech at Taipei and pointed out that the journey to natural capitalism involves four major shifts in business practices as followed,

    l   Dramatically increase the productivity of natural resources.

    l   Shift to biologically inspired production models.

    l   Move to a solutions-based business model.

    l   Reinvest in natural capital.

    From both Pres. Clinton and Mr. Lovins said, we come to the conclusion that

    l   Our current way of living is not sustainable and that a new alternative must be pursued.

    l    Business strategies built around the radically more productive use of natural resources     can solve many environmental problems at a profit.

    After carefully study the feasibility with the technologies we have involved, such as DDF ( Diesel Dual Fuel )/ Eco stationthe Plasma gasification for flying ashes, the Sintering for bottom ash coal ash and sludge etc .into lightweight construction raw material, Eco-condo and building, we find that all of them can be of truly profitable. Indeed, this is what we are striving for during the past years. It’s time for us to move now.

    Natural capitalism is emerging and going to create the Next Industrial Revolution, sincerely hope that, with the effort we devoted ourselves to and the bless from God, we can be a part of it.

    [1] CANOE - CNEWS  Dec 9 2005- Canada Clinton Climate change can be curbed by voluntary efforts.htm

    [2] http://www.clintonglobalinitiative.org/home.nsf/pt_home

    [3] http://www.natcap.org/sitepages/pid5.php